
What does science look like at Kennedy School?

Science is relevant to all transdisciplinary themes of the programme of inquiry and is characterized by concepts and skills with the knowledge component of science arranged into four strands: living things, Earth and space, materials and matter, and forces and energy. The IB provide a framework for science throughout the programme of inquiry and the ESF have developed comprehensive Scope and Sequence guidance documents based on this framework for use throughout the foundation.

Science is explored through the central ideas of units of inquiry and includes a range of external resources and settings as well as classroom-based investigations. Science is viewed as a way of thinking and a process that strives for balance between the construction of meaning and the acquisition of knowledge and skills. Through scientific inquiry, students are invited to investigate science by formulating questions and proceeding with research, experimentation and observations.

Scientific inquiry encourages curiosity, develops an understanding of the world, and enables the individual to develop a sense of responsibility regarding the impact of their actions on themselves, others and their world. Learners develop an appreciation and awareness of the world as it is viewed from a scientific perspective.

Our understanding of science is constantly changing and evolving. As students conduct their inquiries, they should be able to provide accurate information and valid explanations. They should be able to identify possible causes of an issue, choose a solution and determine appropriate action to be taken. A willingness and ability to take action demonstrates evidence of learning. Through these processes, students should develop the habits and attitudes of successful lifelong learners.
